Friday, September 3, 2010

Our prayers have been answered!!!

I am almost speechless writing awe of all of my amazing friends, family and most important of all....God. Our prayers have been answered. I received a call tonight from my amazing nurse, Tina. It was all but a 1 minute phone call where she told me that she was happy to say that all the cancer was gone! She told me to celebrate, but "not too much" because I'm still healing. I feel so blessed beyond belief. I feel like I have a new calling in life, and that is to teach as many people as I can about skin cancer. I have already signed up to volunteer through the skin cancer society. I think I shocked many of them when my questionnaire asked when I was diagnosed with cancer and when I was cured....yep, I had to say it was only a few days ago and that I was on the road to recovery. From the sound of her email I don't think anyone has ever volunteered this early. I truly feel though that the reason I was given this was to teach others. Our recent sermon at church was even about being God's vessel and conveying a message through him to others in any way you can. This, I truly believe is now my calling. Through much recent research I've been doing since I've been diagnosed I've learned that many more young moms are being diagnosed with skin cancer, especially shortly after pregnancy. Doctors believe this is due to a rise in estrogen and this causes many moles to change and develop. I had never heard this before and young moms especially need to know about this. Just so happens that almost all of my friends are moms. I guess I'm that vessel that God chose to spread the word and make people aware
Thank you is not enough to say to everyone who has supported me through this. All of the texts, emails, letters, cards, flowers, food, etc. has been what has keep my spirits up and kept me going. The two times I cried the most through this journey have been when I was diagnosed and when I received the phone call it was gone. The in between emotions have been strength and that was because of the people that have surronded me and of course our savior, God. Thank you friends.
xoxoxo riss